Using the Confined Space Software

Certification valid for 3 years

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Optimize your confined space management with efficient multi-functional software!

Does your organization wish to simplify its prevention approach for confined space work? Opt for management software offered by Santinel, a unique tool developed by our experts! And if you already have this resource, our training will provide you with an optimal use of the system and its functionalities!

Our software and training will facilitate all of your confined space management. This tool contains a wealth of specific data and advanced features that will help you create safe procedures in accordance with the current laws and regulations. Furthermore, your team will also be able to consult the information contained in the software. Your workers will be better equipped to respect these procedures and protect their safety!

In short, your entire organization will benefit from this practical and comprehensive tool. And our training will ensure you get its full potential!

Learning series:

  • Manage your confined spaces more effectively with a tool that gathers information about risks and control measures and the required equipment and procedures to follow, etc.
  • Ensure your team understands the software, which will facilitate compliance with your company’s confined space program.
  • Discover all the features offered by your confined space management software, in order to take full advantage of it.
  • Easily maintain your organization’s compliance by producing fact sheets that are easy to read and understand.
  • Create the software for your confined space work permits!

To manage your confined spaces, opt for software and training that will serve your entire organization!

Santinel offers unique resources, which will be useful to members of your health and safety committee as well as your workers and supervisors! Whatever the role, our tools will facilitate tasks related to confined spaces!

By better understanding the software and its features, everyone can work more quickly, efficiently and safely. Moreover, our experts will ensure that the training course is adapted to your reality. They will therefore emphasize the functions that will be used most by your team, depending on your business activity or environment.

This unique and comprehensive approach will enhance your prevention strategy, as well as respect your procedures!

Got a question about OHS? Want to learn more about our services and training programs?

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