Continuous training for managers

Supervisors, foremen and other first-line managers hold a key position when it comes to occupational health and safety. They are responsible for ensuring that all workers stay safe. Since they constantly have their eyes on the field, they usually witness hazardous situations and are the first to intervene. It is therefore a wise and necessary choice to provide first-line managers with the right OHS tools.

Services and programs

Equipment, structures, and supervising roles vary greatly from one industry to another. Santinel’s pick-and-choose training programs reflect this diversity. Instead of a one-size-fit-all approach, we provide a wide choice of tools and training courses, allowing you to pick “à la carte” programs that fit your needs.

For example, if your warehouse managers daily oversee the handling of heavy loads, they will certainly benefit from ergonomic tips and tricks to validate if the task is properly performed. On the other hand, if your factory managers daily supervise lift truck operators, they need advice on how to analyze operator behaviors and cohesion between lift trucks and pedestrians.

Santinel’s training courses can help your managers to:

  • Master their roles and responsibilities in terms of occupational health and safety.

  • Better integrate health and safety measures to their workload, while ensuring that prevention becomes an ally and not a burden.

  • Learn more about personal protective equipment required for their workers.

  • Etc.

Tell us more about your needs!

First-line managers are involved every step of the way in case of an accident investigation. Therefore, they should be able to clearly understand their role and be ready to step in. Managers must have the tools to shed light on the events by leading the investigation, in order to come up with preventive solutions.

Santinel helps managers prepare to lead accident investigations. Our training services includes several steps:

  • We provide complete accident investigation training and help your managers review basic investigation principles: gather facts, analyze facts, ask the right questions, gather evidence (testimonies, photos…), etc.

  • We use past accident investigation reports to identify strengths and weaknesses. Together, we discuss the reports to understand the manager’s investigation process, we provide recommendations for the future, and help them improve future reports.

  • We provide support during one ongoing investigation or help them redo a past investigation that did not bring about expected results.

Our Guarantee

When you choose Santinel, you surround yourself with a multidisciplinary team of experienced consultants who work together to meet your needs. Here is our promise: durable, positive and lasting changes within your organization.

Our comprehensive solutions

Santinel helps your management team to address OHS issues with efficiency. Our turnkey solutions for managers cover all aspects of OHS, from basic need evaluation to long-term coaching.

The first step is an assessment of OHS culture inside your organization. Santinel leads surveys and employee interviews on multiple levels in order to evaluate occupational health and safety awareness and focus, ability to apply OHS guidelines, and OHS ranking among individual priorities.

Next, Santinel provides a series of personalized coaching sessions based on the assessment. We can also offer several refresher trainings to help re-establish your team’s roles and responsibilities, equip your managers with concrete tools designed to increase vigilance during worker supervision, and optimize interventions when addressing risky behaviors.

Our turnkey solutions are provided in the field, right where the action is, so that managers can immediately put new notions to practical use. Santinel’s coaching sessions are in tune with your managers’ needs when it comes to prevention activities and measures.

Depending on our assessment, we can focus on accident investigation, chemicals product management, job safety analysis, etc.)

You can benefit from Santinel’s coaching services as often and as long as you need.

For the benefit of your organization, Santinel’ turnkey coaching services can be provided as often and for as long as required.

Do you need to provide further training to a new hire or a worker with a new position? Did you know that organizations with several first-line managers can benefit greatly from group training? In fact, training all your supervisors at the same time has many advantages.

First and foremost, group trainings help ensure that your managers’ interventions are carried out in a uniform and cohesive manner. If you must perform an accident investigation involving employees from different teams, the process will run smoothly, since your managers have received the same knowledge base.

Needless to say that managers who are less familiar with OHS will benefit greatly from additional training. On the other hand, seasoned supervisors will appreciate the chance to test their knowledge and share their expertise with their colleagues.

Training your first-line managers is a wise investment and a key to good health and safety practices in your organization.

Got a question about OHS? Want to learn more about our services and training programs?

Chat online with one of our advisers.