Overexposure to noise

Do you want to prevent the risks of overexposure to noise in your company? Has an employee declared an occupational hearing loss or you fear a visit from a CNESST inspector following a complaint? Our experts will be there to support you in your efforts and to find the best solutions. You will have the ability to reduce the impact of noise, work accidents and compensation costs related to overexposure.

In-house Training

Overexposure to noise can harm your workers’ health and ultimately increase accidents in your company. To prevent these risks and understand the challenges better, Santinel offers these training courses:

Services & Programs

There are several possible avenues to prevent and respond to overexposure to noise. Thanks to our unique and thorough approach, your business is sure to find the service adapted to its reality.

Did you know that noise falls within the class of physical contaminants? It is certainly among those that affect workers most. Whatever your issue, Santinel can assist you and evaluate noise levels in your workplace. For instance, we provide the possibility to show you the ambient noise levels in a given area.

We can also inform you of your workers’ level of exposure through a continuous scan during their work. If you wish, it is also possible to produce noise maps to detect higher-risk areas specific to your company. Please be aware that we also advise companies to meet the legal standards required for noise exposure.

Our Guarantee

When you choose Santinel, you surround yourself with a multidisciplinary team of experienced consultants who work together to meet your needs. Here is our promise: durable, positive and lasting changes within your organization.

Solutions for Acoustic Overexposure

Consult us and let us find the best tailor-made solution to resolve your noise issues.

The turnkey solution is ideal for businesses with a significant noise problem. Expert assistance in the field is therefore required to correct the situation with an approach that is as complete as it is effective.

If this is the case for your company, please be aware that we will do the following:

  • An assessment of exposure levels and sound mapping of the workplace.

  • Audiometric tests of workers at risk.

  • A projection of future deafness in the coming years, and the resulting costs for CNESST compensations, as well as their real impact on your future contributions.

  • Determine technical and administrative solutions to reduce exposures.

  • Selecting the most relevant hearing protectors in collaboration with the health and safety committee.

  • Developing a hearing protection program.

  • Holding an awareness and information session with your employees.

During each step, our experts will provide you with the necessary information so that you are aware of what is going on in your organization.

Are you faced with a waiver or requirement from a CNESST inspector for noise exposure or occupational deafness? This solution is for you. Our experts will analyze the history of noises and interventions that have taken place in your company. Once we have a clear picture of the situation, we will meet with you and the inspector to clarify any requirements and desired results.

We then determine the action plan to respond to it adequately. Depending on the need, we may conduct assessments to disprove or confirm and resolve the inspector’s findings. In any case, we will keep you informed about your options and their financial implications to make informed decisions.

Have you received a rule on a case’s eligibility for occupational deafness in your company? Did the CNESST inform you that you are responsible for this type of condition of one of your former employees? Consult us to know more about the consequences, costs and future financial impacts. You will be able to take the right actions to dispute this case or not.

This solution consists primarily of:

  • Studying the employee’s work and exposure, as well as his/her CNESST report

  • Calculating the real impact on CNESST premium.

  • Determine the risks and assess future claims based on your history.

  • Put forward possible alternatives and their costs, financial implications and risk (ex: disputes on eligibility and cost-sharing, responding to a claim due to its low financial impact and future consequences, etc.).

If you wish to dispute the decision, please be aware that we can represent you before the authorities. (CNESST, TAT)

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*** Tempête Hivernale - 13 février 2025 ***
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