For classification or labelling, our team here at Santinel will help you with hazardous materials and how to manage them to minimize risks and costs in your workplace.

Become an expert in hazardous materials management thanks to our WHMIS 2015 training.

Services & Programs

Simplify your hazardous materials management and your compliance with WHMIS 2015. Santinel’s unique expertise will help you update your information system, as these are some 60,000 chemicals covered by WHMIS 2015, which represents a significant workload for companies. Still, we can help improve your entire prevention approach because we have in-depth knowledge of new regulations. You can count on us to help you find the service that best meets your needs.

Get answers from a WHMIS 2015 specialist. Clarify all your doubts or get ad hoc support thanks to our consultation service. The chemicals being numerous and the regulations being stringent, your team sometimes face hesitations or questions. It’s why Santinel offers personalized expertise tailored to your needs.

With this unique approach, you will get answers to all your hazardous materials management challenges. Whatever your goal, we can help you achieve it! Also, to better prevent risks, our specialists will fully adapt their solutions to your organization and industry. You will be sure to take the right actions for the considerable protection of your workers!

Equip your employees and be ready for a CNESST inspection! Help your organization effectively manage and control hazardous materials. Santinel offers you expert solutions for creating or updating a computerized database of all the products used in your environment. As the law requires such a list, you will achieve compliance while ensuring prevention in your business.

Our experts will produce a document that will include more or less information. Depending on your needs, the database can be limited to the product name, code, and name of the supplier, or it can be more substantial to include summary datasheets for quick and efficient use.

Choose an inventory system that offers you flexibility and autonomy. To ensure storage and labelling following WHMIS 2015, we offer a complete inventory of your hazardous substances and your material safety data sheets (MSDSs). During our inspection, we will verify each product, label, material safety data sheet and storage. Based on our observations, we will offer you an action plan that will ensure your efficiency and compliance.

Ensure correct WHMIS management and respect all of your employer obligations. Ensure a healthier workplace environment by opting for the safe management of hazardous materials. Santinel offers a program covering all aspects of your prevention, like employee training, product labelling, storage, or creating MSDSs. Properly equip your organization to prevent injuries and illnesses!

Our comprehensive program allows workers to develop their knowledge of chemicals and the risks they pose. These training courses, offered by our WHMIS specialists, will also educate your staff on the proper handling and use of products, and on first aid in the event of contact. You can count on us to explain product classification and the material safety data sheets.

To simplify your data management, Santinel recently became a partner of Hazmat Systems, a Canadian company that created SafeStation. This complete and easy-to-use tool, installed in your workplace during operations, allows you to consult safety data sheets, to create documents and add additional information, training courses and helpful videos, print labels, communicate with contacts or emergency services, etc.

Accepted by government agencies, this system will put your regulatory binders to shame!

Our Guarantee

When you choose Santinel, you surround yourself with a multidisciplinary team of experienced consultants who work together to meet your needs. Here is our promise: durable, positive and lasting changes within your organization.

WHMIS 2015 Solutions

Solve all your hazardous materials management challenges with Santinel’s unique approach and get access to full turnkey solutions. Trust us to support your organization effectively.

Prevent chemical product related problems in the workplace. Benefit from our expertise and improve your entire hazardous product management. With nearly 60,000 dangerous substances classified, the task can sometimes be challenging. Fortunately, with our many years of experience in occupational safety, avoiding health problems and their associated costs is effortless.

Rest assured that our specialists will put all their knowledge at your disposal to integrate the best prevention practices. They will help you protect your workers from health problems caused by exposure to toxic materials and help you achieve compliance with the various regulations.

Our solution includes:

  • A complete analysis of your organization’s WHMIS program

  • An inspection to validate storage and labelling of products

  • Observations of your workers’ practices

  • Recommendations and support to improve your prevention

  • Specialized training in hazardous materials management

Let us create an easy-to-use and efficient system for your hazardous materials. Is your organization having trouble keeping its MSDS up to date? Do your employees understand the information written on them? Or maybe unidentified products end up at your workplace? Whatever your substance management challenges, the Santinel database will help you solve them.

After assessing your environment, our experts will create a fully personalized version of this great tool. They will record all material safety data sheets and, if necessary, add reference sheets for some or all of your products. So, with this easy-to-use and understand database, your employees will always have access to reliable information.

Here are some examples of features:

  • One-click product data sheets

  • Simplified inventory management

  • Developing hazardous materials management reports

  • Creating MSDSs

  • Printing labels

  • Adding new products over time

Put toxic substances and their sheets in order. Let us catalogue your chemical products and improve your management. Santinel offers a solution that will optimize your prevention: developing an inventory of substances and material safety data sheets (MSDS). Classified and well-stored hazardous materials improve safety in your work environment.

With this service, our experts will teach you how to better respond to current and future situations. Their advice will help your stakeholders meet the standards and adopt better practices even when adding new products or updating sheets.

This service includes:

  • A complete inventory of hazardous materials and their sheets

  • The inspection of each product to ensure labelling and storage compliance

  • A written recommendation report following our visit

  • The proposal of a structured action plan that respects different regulations

Got a question about OHS? Want to learn more about our services and training programs?

Chat online with one of our advisers.

*** Tempête Hivernale - 13 février 2025 ***
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