Does your organization use or store chemicals and hazardous materials? If a spill occurs, make sure your teams know how to react properly with Santinel’s training.
The training covers both spill management and spill response. Specifically, the training covers the use of response kits, procedures for the recovery and disposal of contaminants, clean-up, etc. Ways to monitor and maintain safety at the spill site are also discussed. Finally, our specialists explain the proper actions to take in the event of an emergency or major spill.
In short, with Santinel, your workers will know how to react with confidence while ensuring the health and safety of all.
Learning series:
- The legal standards and regulations in effect concerning hazardous material spills.
- Tools to identify risks and determine the measures to take, depending on the product spilled and the particularities of the work environment.
- Protective equipment and materials adapted to the circumstances, in order to limit the consequences of the spill and the risks to health.
- Appropriate response techniques to control and neutralize the spill, as well as emergency measures in case of a more serious incident.
This training will benefit several members of your team. Santinel will adapt it to all your workers and their level of expertise, whether they are maintenance employees or supervisors.
Since a spill is impossible to predict, it is best to adopt a preventive approach. Make sure that all workers involved in the selection, handling and management of chemical products have all the necessary information in case of a spill.
Our trainers will answer questions specific to your sector of activity. They will enhance the theoretical training with examples of products and hazardous materials used in your company. They will also provide details on methods to reduce the risk of a spill.