Training on Wearing, Inspecting and Using Harnesses

Certification valid for 3 years

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The dangers of working at height can be controlled by wearing safety equipment. Among the best known, wearing a harness is excellent for preventing falls or other risks to which workers are exposed.

During this training, your supervisors or employees will learn the various rules and standards surrounding the wearing of a harness, its safe use and operational inspection. They will be able to fully understand the risks associated with working at height. Our trainers will teach them, notably, the basics of wearing a harness including  types of harnesses, the stages of harness inspection, endorsement, adjustment methods, storage tips and harness maintenance. They will also review various relevant accessories such as lanyards and energy absorbers.

Contact us for training on wearing a harness that will meet the needs of your organization. Santinel is your partner for the health and safety of your workers.

Learning series:

  • Wearing a harness: adjustments, endorsement, CNESST requirements.
  • Storage methods and proper maintenance of safety harnesses.
  • Other accessories to know and use for working at height.
  • Safety when working at height and zero tolerance from the CNESST.
  • Regulations and requirements for wearing a harness.
  • The stages of operational inspection of harness wearing.

Avoid falls and maintain peace of mind knowing that harnesses are being safely worn and checked.

This training is intended for companies whose work at height requires harness wearing to ensure the safety of employees in accordance with the zero tolerance stance by the CNESST. Thanks to our experienced trainers, your employees and supervisors will learn prevention for working in confined spaces, on a lifting machine, on a roof or any other high places. In order to facilitate learning, the training will be offered on your premises and using your equipment. Our team will then provide visual aids, videos and other learning materials.

If necessary, we can adapt or design tailor-made training for your company and the specifics of the safety harness required by the regulations of your industry. Consult us for a safe and regulatory-compliant workplace.

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