Trainer Training – Hot Work

Certification valid for 3 years

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This advanced training develops future hot work trainers by drawing on our expertise. The training will take place in two phases: during the first part, the future trainers will see the content of the training in detail, the manner of presenting it as well as the various material retention exercises, both in the theoretical component and in the practical component. Finally, they will complete their training by presenting said training to the master trainer to validate that the future trainers have mastered the content.

If necessary, we can assist your instructors during their first training in front of your employees. We will be there to deal with omissions, correct errors or answer questions from participants and give positive feedback. Your instructor will have everything needed to train your employees on hot work.

Learning series:

  • The basics of hot work and safety rules for workers like welders, factory workers, etc.
  • The keys to disseminating training inspired by educational concepts in occupational health and safety.
  • A risk situation simulation and practical exercises to develop the skills of the future instructor.
  • Personalized coaching during the first training offered by your instructor (optional).

This training is intended for companies whose employees use a flame, apply heat or produce a spark near flammable or combustible materials. The objective is to train future trainers who will instruct their colleagues on the various aspects of accident prevention during hot work. It will allow the company to be autonomous in employee training in addition to reducing the risk of accidents.

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