Risk Identification, Analysis and Management

Certification valid for 3 years

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Prevent accidents before they happen with this training!

With this risk identification, analysis and management training, Santinel will completely transform your approach to prevention. Indeed, this training will help your employees recognize the hazards in your organization and address them to avoid incidents. A unique intervention tool that will allow you to work with greater security and better protect your teams!

In this way, our instructions will make your employees aware of the various risks they face, whether they relate to your work environment or the tasks performed. Our trainers will also provide them with various techniques for effective and structured inspections, analyses and support. Your workers will learn how to improve and maintain safety step by step.

In short, our training will offer them all the essential concepts to control and correct the risks in your company!

Learning series:

  • Develop a better understanding of the accident risks and occupational injuries as well as the means to control them.
  • Ensure your employees are actively involved in identifying hazards in your workplace!
  • Improve the observation skills of your workers and develop early recognition of problematic situations.
  • Equip your employees so that they can better judge the degree of danger and take appropriate measures when the situation requires it.

Opt for a training course that will benefit many members of your team!

Santinel’s approach to risk identification, analysis and management aims to improve your entire prevention and safety system. That’s why our course will be useful for various people, whatever their role in your organization!

While the course is aimed at employees who inspect the premises and observe tasks, it is also intended for members of the occupational health and safety committee. However, our training can also help make your supervisors and other managers more aware of the risks of your environment!

The people you choose will become ambassadors for risk detection and correction! Take advantage of this unique approach to achieve real sustainable results!

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